Monday, January 3, 2011

Monday Morning Musing

"If you were going to die soon
and had only one phone call you could make,
who would you call and what would you say?
And why are you waiting?"
                - Stephen Levine

Friday, December 31, 2010

A bit too digitized

Husband and I went to dinner last eve. You would have thought it was New's Year's Eve itself for the crowd waiting to get a table. We claimed our "beeper" and prepared to wait... a 30 minute wait I was told.

(However, I had my eye on the cafe section where you get to seat yourself if a table frees up, which it did in about 15 mins., but that is not the point of this story).

This story, is about how we have become too entranced with our electronic toys that we spend all our time looking, playing, attending to them, that we don't even realize what the hell is going on around us.

Case in point:

Location: Waiting for a table @ super busy restaurant last night

Victim: Small girl, probably 10-12ish

Criminals: Her parents, 30ish

As hubby and I stood waiting, I could not help but notice the family in front of me. Husband/father, wife/mother and an adorable girl somewhere between 10-12 years of age. The girl really caught my eye because she reminded me quite a bit of a younger version of Emily (daughter of blogger Heather of Beauty That Moves).

While that family was waiting to be seated, the husband/father played a game on his phone. Wife/mother did something with her phone - not quite sure, seemed to be texting, but whatever it was, she was MOST INTENT. Daughter, held beeper and looked around her.

Neither parent talked to the daughter the whole time I was watching. At one point the mother leaned over to show the husband something on her phone.

My heart broke for the daughter.

What has this world come to that what is happening on your phone is MORE IMPORTANT than what is happening around you? That the people you are texting are more important that those at your side?

Shame on those parents.

Shame on the majority of the world.

Wake up people.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Book - Molly Fox's Birthday

I found the idea of the book a bit intriguing. The book takes place during the course of one day (Molly Fox's Birthday). But the narrator is not Molly Fox.

It was an odd book. I wanted to like it. I even ran across many parts where I did like it, and reading those parts I felt "ok, from here, this book will take off." But it didn't, at least not for me. Because after every part I liked, I'd run into parts that dragged, were too wordy, not interesting and I'd force myself to plow through them and then suddenly, again, I'd reach another section I'd like.

I was teased by every part I enjoyed and frustrated by those I didn't. And I came to the end confused. I don't like it when I read a book, read the last paragraph and think: "did I miss something?"

That is how I felt about this book.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Can't sleep? Not an issue with this!

Now and then we all have trouble falling asleep. I find for me it mostly happens when I have lots and lots of stuff to do and a lot on my mind. My mind is whirling with the "to do" list and won't quiet down. Of course, the next day after too few hours of sleep, you wake up in no mood to tackle that list.

If you can relate, then I highly recommend this: SEROTAIN RX-Sleep... ALL NATURAL. And this really works.

Check your local natural store. (I'd much rather try the natual route than a prescription.) If you're near me, Mrs. Green's in Fairfield carries it.

I will say... I only take 1/2 a pill... that's usually all I need. 30 pills per bottle, approx. $16/bottle. Using 1/2 a pill, you get to sleep 60 nights for about 27 cents a night!

I've handed these out to friends and they had very positive results too. :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Washing Balls

I have been using these True Green Laundry Washing Balls for almost a year now after they were suggested by friends (Thanks Rozanne & Suzanne!). I really like them, and I haven't purchased laundry detergent that whole time! So in addition to being earth friendly there's some nice savings too. You recharge them in sunlight every so often (Which I do when I remember, every several months or so.) I do continue to use bleach with my whites... just zero detergent, and these balls.

They sell dryer balls too  But I will let you in on my dryer ball secret... I use tennis balls, esp. when drying comforters/blankets, etc... helps to dry them quicker and keeps them fluffed up.

Just thought you might be interested too!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Book - Mornings In Jenin, A Novel

The hallmark of a truly good book (for me) is if it haunts you, follows you, stays in your mind after you close the cover for the last time. Mornings In Jenin, by Susan Abulhawa was such a book.

Insighful, thought provoking, heart-wrenching, certainly controversal.
It goes deep within the horror that fills the Middle East, specifically addressing the Palestinian/Israeli situation and their (seemingly) never ending conflicts. This book opened my eyes to parts of history I sadly knew little or nothing about... but should have. A MUST read in my opinion.

Although this is a novel, historical facts are true, and you come to connect to the people in the story as if they were real.

Certainly there are always (at least) two sides to every story. Mornings In Jenin gave me the Palestinian side over the Israeli side. However, it opened my eyes to many things and asked questions that I now seek answers to. I now find myself facinated with the history of the Middle East, and I plan on pursuing answers to the questions this book raised.

If you've read it, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Book - The Happiness Project

I really enjoyed this book: The Happiness Project. A quick read, filled with tidbits of info (I like reading about random stuff that just might come in handy to know someday!)

More importantly, the book makes you start thinking about what makes you happy. (Something we tend to lose sight of it in our busy lives, but we shouldn't.)

Things that make me happy:

  • the smell of lilacs
  • meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy
  • art (looking at it, creating it)
  • books
  • libraries
  • delicious, healthy food
  • vacations
  • photography
  • alone time
  • great weather
  • bread ( - good bread, cruchy bread, freshly baked)
  • farmer's markets
  • butternut squash
... to name a few.

Notice the theme? Books, food, art and down time - lol. Doesn't take much.

What makes YOU happy?

Monday, July 5, 2010


Driving around with hubby this past weekend and we ran across this.

So cool! I want one. (Just need to locate an extra $7000!)

I'm not into the f-a-s-t boats, this is much more my speed! Put-put-putting along on a lazy river or pond (we can even take the dog, plenty of room for her to lie down!) and I could even read! :)

Monday, June 28, 2010


When I was younger, my grandfather on my father's side (Nonno) had this HUGE vegetable garden. My cousins and I spent the majority of the day outside when we visited, feasting on rhubarb, blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries during the day. At dinner came the veggies he grew.

I have always wanted my own garden, have attempted one a few times. Once, I thought I was going to be quite successful until the dog somehow got around the fencing and tore it to shreds. It is NOT attractive to see an adult woman sobbing in piles of dirt that is scattered with the remnants of her garden. I will confess to being so furious, I'm amazed the dog lived to see another day.

This year, I decided to try a few garden "pots." Lo and behold, with next to nothing in care arrives the ZUCCHINI!

A favorite of mine is this zucchini soup, which I found on a blog* this past year and tried and absolutely LOVED. If you're into cold soups, it might work. If not, save this recipe until you have too much zucchini and don't know what to do with it. It freezes beautifully and tastes yummy. No squishy zucchini here, it is pureed smooth.

And for those of you on Weight Watchers, I think I remember reading it was a WW soup.

Cream of Zucchini Soup

• 1/2 small onion, quartered

• 2 cloves garlic

• 3 small zucchini skin on cut in large chunks

• 32 oz fat free chicken or veggie stock (I use veggie)

• 2 tbsp lite sour cream ( I use the real stuff)

• salt

• pepper
Combine chicken broth, onion, garlic and zucchini in a medium pot and cook on medium heat.Bring to a boil, lower heat, cover, and simmer until tender, about 20 minutes.

Remove from heat.

Add sour cream. Purée with an immersion blender, until smooth. Or, in a regular blender being VERY CAREFUL not to fill the blender more than 1/2 full.

Stir in salt and pepper to taste.

Top with parmesan cheese.

Let me know if you try it and like it.

* - and as soon as I remember which one, I am going to thank them for posting it!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


This past Saturday morning was a gorgeous day. While Hubby was at work, I headed off the the Farmer's Market. Not my usual market, but on Sunday we would not be home to attend the usual one. However, I did enjoy this mini market, and came home with everything I had set out to get.

I stopped for some farm eggs on the side of the road on my way home. Back at the house, I make myself a yummy omelet of carmelized onion, mushrooms, broccoli and provolone cheese with some home fries made from leftover roasted potatoes from last night's dinner.

I would have taken a picture, but a dead camera battery prevented me. Please be satisfied with this pic I took after the camera battery charged.

I sat on the deck and started this book: Fourth Tenths of An Acre, I'll let you know how it goes.